Locate Tool is a solution to facilitate the localization of damages on large assets relatively to their origins. By combining an ultra precise device and aircraft Digital Mock-Up, Locate Tool answers this problem.
Computed positions can be instantaneously pushed to Asset Manager for immediate assessment.
Locate Tool is an adaptation of Airbus’ Line Map for any other aircrafts and non aerospace assets (digital mock-up required) keeping the same dataflow to Asset Manager software.
Technical Specs
- Optional Rugged Tablet PC (Windows OS)
- Compatible with IOS
- Measuring device with an accuracy of 1cm
- Waterproof and ingress protection to IP54 for used outdoors and in workshop
- Body harness for safe and comfortable use
- Required asset DMU (CAD files) for customization
- No calibration needed, only periodic verification using the dedicated reference L Shape block
- Communication with D-Lam Size Tool & Asset Manager
Application notes:
“EndtoEnd Delamination Assessment by B1 Mechanics” (external link to ndt.net)
“Aide à la caractérisation de délaminages sur composites aéronautiques” (external link to ndt.net)
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