
1. Introduction

Testia is an Airbus company with over 25 years of experience in the field of Non-Destructive Testing, Quality Inspections and Training in Aerospace. Fully conscious of its data protection responsibilities, Testia is committed to respecting the private life of everyone whose personal data it processes.

This confidentiality policy aims to explain how we process your personal data and inform you of your data protection rights.

2. Who we are and how to contact us

 The data controller of your personal data is Testia, a French-law simplified joint stock company with a single shareholder, with a share capital of €2,396, whose registered office is at 1 rue Gaye-Marie, 31300 Toulouse, France, registered at the Toulouse trade and companies register under the number 383 475 605 (referred to in this policy as “Testia”, or “us”).

If you have any questions about this policy or the way we process your personal data, please contact us by email at

3. What personal data do we process?

We process, in particular, the personal data of the participants in our training programs, of the members of our clients’ personnel who interact with us during the provision of our services, of the visitors to our website and, more generally, of all individuals who contact us in the context of our professional activities.

Your personal data which we process in this context may include, in particular, your name, your contact details (email address, postal address, telephone number etc.) and any other personal information provided to us or otherwise generated during your exchanges with us.

Generally speaking, we try to limit the personal information we process about you to the minimum required to provide you with a full and efficient service.

When we collect your personal data, we will inform you if certain information is optional or if it needs to be provided for legal or contractual reasons. In such circumstances, we will inform you if a choice on your part not to share personal data may impact our capacity to provide you with our services.

4. How and why do we process your personal data?

Our main data processing activities related to your personal data, as well as the purpose and the legal bases for such processing, are summarized below:

Processing activity


Legal basis

Reviewing your information requests: We review, sort through and organize the personal information which you provide when you contact us for the first time. Managing the contact requests which we receive. Our legitimate interest to respond to your inquiry.
Management of our client files: In the context of our services, in particular the provision of non-destructive testing, training and products, we process the personal data of our clients’ staff members and the participants in our training programs. Processing activities in this context may include, for example, management of subscriptions to training sessions, supervision and reporting in respect of training participants, communications with our clients, etc. Ensuring effective operational and administrative management of our client files and our different services (inspections, training, products etc.) Our legitimate interest in the management of our client matters.

If you sign a contract with us, the contractual requirement to process your personal data.

Marketing activities: We may contact commercial prospects and our existing clients in order to inform them about our products and services. Promoting commercial relations with existing and potential clients. Our legitimate interest in communicating with our existing clients and commercial prospects in connection with their professional activity.

The prior consent of certain prospects to receive our newsletter via our online contact form.

Recruitment: We process the personal data of candidates who have applied for a role within Testia.


Management of our recruitment processes. The candidate’s consent.
Business sales and acquisitions: In the event of future investment or merger and acquisition activities involving our business, your personal data may be processed in the context of “due diligence” exercises, under which potential buyers and investors and their professional advisors carry out a preliminary analysis of the business in order to assess its value.


Assessing the company’s valuation. The legitimate interests of Testia, its shareholders and third-party investors to carry out due diligence processes.
Legal obligations: We may process your personal data in order to respect our legal obligations or to respond to requests from public authorities or tribunals, or in order to defend Testia in law. Respect our legal obligations and defend Testia in law. Our legal obligations.

Our legitimate interest in responding to legal claims.

Cookies: Our website,, uses electronic trackers, placed on your device (e.g. computer, tablet or smartphone) when you first access the site in order to enable the identification of your device when you visit the site again. More information on electronic trackers and the automatic collection of data is available in our cookies policy. Optimization of our site.

Statistical analysis.


Protecting web forms.

The consent of visitors to our site.

The legitimate interest of Testia in respect of electronic trackers which are strictly necessary for the functioning of the site.

5. Sharing of your personal data

We may in certain circumstances share your personal data, in particular with:

 Other members of the Testia group and the wider Airbus group, in order to ensure full and effective service provision to our clients;

  • Public authorities, if we are under an obligation to disclose or to share your personal data in order to respect a legal obligation;
  • Our professional legal and financial advisers, such as lawyers, accountants and auditors;
  • Potential third-party buyers and investors and their professional advisors, in the event that we buy or sell companies or assets.

In addition, we rely on third-party suppliers to provide various technical services, in particular as regards hosting, IT network maintenance, website services and telephone network provision. In the course of the provision of these services, such suppliers may process your personal data on behalf of Testia.

6. How long do we retain your personal data for?

We keep your personal data only for the amount of time needed to supply the services you have subscribed to and to respect Testia’s legal and commercial obligations, taking into account in particular the following criteria:

  • The nature and the purpose of the processing activities in question,
  • The categories of data processed,
  • The applicable legal limitation periods,
  • Applicable contract terms,
  • Industry standards applicable to Testia,
  • The recommandations of the French national data protection authority, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

7. What are your rights in respect of your personal data?

Your rights as regards your personal data include, in particular, those set out below. These rights may apply to your situation depending on the precise circumstances (for example, the right to withdraw your consent only applies where consent is the legal basis for the processing).

These data protection rights are as follows:

  • The right to ask us:
    • For access to the personal we hold about you and information about our processing of that data (“Right of access”);
    • To correct or complete the personal data we hold about you if it is inaccurate (“Right to rectification”);
    • To erase your personal data (“Right to be forgotten”);
    • To restrict or limit our processing of your personal data (“Right to restriction of processing”);
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data by Testia (“Right to object”);
  • The right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly-used and machine-readable format and to transmit the data to another data controller (“Right to data portability”);
  • The right to set out instructions regarding the retention, the deletion and the communication of your personal data after your death;
  • The right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, to the extent that the processing is based on your consent. In such case, the legality of the processing carried out before you withdrew your consent is not affected.

If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us at

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the French national data protection authority, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL), whose website can be viewed at:

8. Where is your personal data processed?

All your personal data is held on our internal servers in France and on external cloud servers located in the European Union

From time to time, in connection with a specific professional matter, we may share personal data with one or more Testia subsidiaries or establishments located outside the European Union (currently these include Canada, Mexico and Singapore). If a transfer of this nature is required to deal with a particular request or situation, we will inform the individuals involved and provide information about the legal framework for the transfer (for example, an adequacy decision by the European Commission or the provision of appropriate safeguards).

On our contact page, we use Google reCaptcha to protect the contact form against spam. For this purpose, certain data will be transferred and processed outside the EU or EEA (in particular the USA). For more information please refer to our cookies policy.

Testia works hard to protect the security of your personal data, by putting in place the appropriate technical, legal and organisational measures.