Learn from recognised NDT training experts
With 30 years of expertise in Aerospace NDT, Testia has become a reference for training and certification for non-destructive testing. Our training centres across the world provide courses about all NDT methods as well as specialised courses (Materials evaluation, UT & ET Array, Digital Radiography, Tomography, Bond Testing, etc.). Our pool of level 3 experts can teach in French, English, Spanish, German and other languages upon request. They will welcome you in our dedicated state-of-the-art facilities where participants can get their hands on real parts, components and aircraft structure. Alternatively, training sessions can be given at your facility should you wish to do so.
To complete your training, Testia is an accredited examination centre and will deliver your certification according to national and international sets of requirements like EN 4179.
Apply now for your NDT training course!
- Check our training schedules
- Learn more about our training centers
- Download the documents for application
- See the list of NDT methods for which we offer exams
- Make yourself familiar with the course contents
- Discover our NDT Cadet Academy – the most direct way to become an NDT inspector
All levels
1, 2 & 3
Aircraft parts
Courses available
Benefits of your NDT training at Testia
- Trainees work with real NDT installations, equipment and devices no matter the level.
- Real aerospace parts inspected during training.
- Certification packages: for single or multi-methods and multi-level as well.
- A rich and varied training offer
- Extended training options: NDT methods and complementary training.
- NDT courses for all techniques in English, French, Spanish and German.
- Recognised experience in the aerospace sector for 30 years.
- A limited number of participants for a more personal supervision.
- Experienced trainers who will listen to you.

Testimonials from our NDT training participants
Cahya Andhika Putra
NDT Level 3 Technician at FL Technics Indonesia, MRO
“I would highly recommend Testia to anyone looking to enhance their NDT capabilities. Their training programs are of the highest caliber and are designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in this field.”
Damian Żelazko
Wind Turbine Blade Repair Technician
“Thanks to training from Rob Bilney at Testia, I have gained knowledge and skills in nondestructive testing of composites, earning my NDT ST L2 certification. With my ackground in NDT for aerospace composites, I believe shearography can greatly benefit the wind sector by detecting defects and improving turbine reliability.”
Varghese Thomas
NDT Inspector at Airbus Aerostructures
“Here in NDT Cadet Academy I took a course on ultrasonic inspection. […]As a mechanical engineer, I have a chance to further increase my position from an NDT inspector to an NDT engineer later on in my career.”
Your NDT training contacts at Testia
Katharina Klassen
Head of Training
Samir Yar
Training Administrator
+49 (0) 173 518 3547
We offer training courses for all NDT methods
Across the globe, Testia offers training for all non-destructive testing methods – plus other trainings upon request. To learn more about the NDT methods and the related services that Testia offers, visit our dedicated pages for each method: