UN Global Compact letter of adherence
By signing the letter of adherence to the UN Global Compact principles, Testia takes an important next step of its sustainability campaign.
The UN Global Compact provides a framework for companies to act in the spirit of the United Nations’ sustainability goals. The ten principles of the UN Global Compact focus on the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.
With his signature under the letter of adherence to these principles, Testia CEO David Rottembourg opens a new chapter of Testia’s strategic efforts towards a sustainable future. By joining the UN Global Compact, we keep up our high level of business integrity thanks to our work ethics and will further improve it, setting a good example with our leadership.
“It is in our DNA at Testia to abide by high standards and deliver excellent quality,” as Testia’s Head of Quality Fabienne Cabanes highlights, “With trust and integrity amongst our core values, Testia already puts great emphasis on safety, integrity, social & environmental responsibilities. Joining the United Nations Global Compact gives us a great framework for continuous improvement along these principles and demonstrating our commitments in a transparent manner.”
Ongoing commitment to sustainability
After announcing Testia’s sustainability goals earlier this year, this recent news marks another important step of the 3-year campaign. The commitment to the UN Global Compact also includes a yearly communication on progress, which Testia will first submit in 2025. In it, we will disclose our continuous efforts to integrate the ten principles into our business strategy, culture, and daily operations. It will illustrate how Testia contributes to United Nations goals, particularly the sustainable development goals.
Further actions on the horizon include, amongst others, the upcoming introduction of a carbon footprint indicator. We will continue to document these actions on the Testia website.