Dedicated solution for rapid and reliable delamination and disbond characterisation of large structures encompassing a Phased Array UT instrument, a 32 elements wheel probe together with acquisition and automatic analysis software.
D-Lam Size Tool is an adaptation of Airbus’ Line Sizing for any other aircrafts / system (specimens & acceptance criteria to be supplied).
Technical Specs
- Complete kit includes:
- 32 elements Wheel Probe and maintenance kit
- Laser guiding system
- Dedicated function check reference block
- Miscellaneous (water sprayer, ruler, templates, etc.)
- Heavy duty transport case (67 x 51 x 26.2 cm, 17 kg)
- See Smart U32 tech specs for more information
Application notes:
“EndtoEnd Delamination Assessment by B1 Mechanics” (external link to
“Aide à la caractérisation de délaminages sur composites aéronautiques” (external link to
Locate Tool
Locate Tool is a solution to facilitate the localization of damages on large assets relatively to their origins. By combining an ultra precise device and aircraft Digital Mock-Up, Locate Tool answers this problem. (更多…)
UT inspection systems
Testia can implement the right customized or off-the-shelf solution that will bring you the optimal quality, productivity and Return of Investment. (更多…)
D-Lam Tool
Ultra-fast and easy Go/No-Go layered panel delamination assessment by any member of your team (更多…)